New Year Resolutions anyone?

Jan 16, 2024

Do you love or loathe the idea of making resolutions on the New Year?

As a Sanguine, I like the idea of a fresh vibe to any celebration, whether that is the new year or a new moon. There are always insights that can be gained from looking back, letting go, and focusing on what you want to bring in. The other western energetic constitution who you will see embracing the resolutions, but in a much more robust and motivated way, is the Cholerics. 

Once you understand the different motivations of the constitutions and/or predominant humors, you can support your clients in a powerful yet individual way.  

Sanguines and the process of resolutions -

Is the resolution FUN? Does it spark joy?

Are other people joining in? Will this benefit my family, friends and community? 

Sanguines are very positive and community focused. They love to create grand conceptual ideas that are fun and support others.

They can also take on too much, try and stick to achievable goals! 


Phlegmatics and the process of resolutions -

Is the resolution NURTURING? Does this care for or consider my family at the same time?

Can it be implemented easily? Just one resolution thanks!

Phlegmatics are less likely to make resolutions, or stick to them. Ensure ideas fit easily into the lifestyle. Grandiose self-care gestures won't appeal, instead, set aside time each day for the most important goal (they will know what it is!)


Melancholics and the process of resolutions -

Is the resolution PRACTICAL? Does it make logical sense?

Is there a form I can fill in to achieve my goals? Any tests? Should I buy a tracking device that I can wear?

Melancholics must know the technical explanation behind any goals. Once they have a schedule that makes sense, they will follow it.

They will create task lists, schedules, forms and find the latest mapping technology to support their goals.


Cholerics and the process of resolutions -

Is the resolution MOTIVATING? Which motivational quote will I use this year?

Does everyone else think the goals are too much? Probably! But does this highlight my own personal best?

Cholerics are the ones who love making resolutions. Even if they don’t declare it, they have made some! 

Usually a huge overhaul of all areas of life, Cholerics are happiest when they achieve their personal best.


Can you relate to any of these? Let me know your process!